CHEM 2017
Session Oct 2017 – CHEM

Serious Games?

Serious Games, and amongst them Wargames, are very adaptative and efficient tools for training, modelling and simulations. They are both useful as support and methodology for crisis management, strategic prospects and teaching. They can cover a wide range of complex situations and scenarios. Their potential to trigger strong personal involvement  from participants is a proven fact.

These tools are the perfect answer for the need for agility in crisis scenario, enhancing teamwork spirit, to train newcomers and to test strategies.

« During the war, the war with Japan had been re-enacted in the game rooms here by so many people and in so many different ways that nothing that happened during the war was a surprise—absolutely nothing except the kamikaze tactics towards the end of the war; we had not visualized those. », Amiral Chester Nimitz, 1960

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